Dr. Vreeland has helped patients find natural treatments for the following conditions:
Autoimmune disorders
Heart Disease (High blood pressure, High Cholesterol, etc.)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Celiac, Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis)
Menstrual irregularities/PMS
Obesity/Weight loss
skin conditions (acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc.)
THYROID DISORDERS Skin conditions (Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Aging, etc.)
"All of my life I have had eczema and until a few years ago I had always been able to manage my eczema through lotions and the occasional topical steroid cream. Starting in 2011 my eczema began to increasingly get worse. I would go to doctors and the best they could do for me was a new steroid cream or steroid shot. Eventually all the creams stopped working and a shot would only help for a few days. My eczema was affecting so many parts of my life; my arms and face were taken over by red flaky skin and I scratched constantly. Finally, I found Dr. Vreeland and made an appointment immediately. After my first visit with her I was filled with so much hope! It was the first time a doctor had taken the time to look at me as a whole to try and figure out the root of my eczema flares. It did not take long to find out that certain foods were the primary culprits. Within 2 weeks of following the plan that Dr. Vreeland had tailored specifically for me I saw drastic results! Not only is my eczema under control but I also find that I have more energy, stress is easier to handle, and I sleep better at night!"
Lab Testing
In addition to conventional labs, Dr. Vreeland uses functional medicine testing to look deeper for underlying causes. This testing may include food sensitivity panels, digestive analysis, micronutrient testing and genetic markers to name a few. Labs are always optional; recommended labs and associated fees will be discussed during your appointment. Dr. Vreeland receives no money from ordering tests. Here are links to some of the most commonly ordered labs: